Without this amazing contribution we wouldn't be able to open. Our volunteers are literally the lifeblood of the Village.
There are various roles available to volunteers. Most help out in the Shop and normally work on their own, opening/ closing the gallery and shop, dealing with any sales of artwork, and providing information to visitors. Shifts are either a full day - 10am - 4pm, or a split shift of 10 - 1 or 1- 4. We are open 7 days a week in summer. June to September winter hours are Thursday to Monday 10 - 3pm.
We have a radio and CD player, and kitchen facilities.
Alternatively, some volunteers will pop in to help for an hour or so pricing stock, while they wait for the Launderette, or the mechanic. Or they will help at a working bee, painting, or gardening. We always have some task to attend to as we have 3 buildings to maintain, and a large garden space.
We have regular 'volunteer morning teas' which give everyone a chance to meet, be sociable and talk about anything, or raise any issues. Working in the Gallery you will get to meet all sorts of interesting people - artists, New Zealand and international visitors - even Prime Ministers!
​For six days volunteering per year, we offer a commission rate of 25%. This equates to 40 hours for non-desk jobs. We keep a tally of your volunteer hours over the financial year (April 1 – March 31). Child/Youth (up to 16 years) 10% commission. Young Adult (17 to 21 years) 15% commission.
If you would like to be part of our team, please contact our Finance Manager on 09 4290 570 or email volunteers@aoteaahv.nz. We would love you to be involved - whether it’s just a few hours here and there, a regular weekly day, or just when you are on island. We always need volunteers, as peoples’ lives are always changing. Some may move off island, or go on holiday, so why not come and join in?